Google News Now Censors The Gateway Pundit

Google News has joined other media outlets in censoring conservatives. Which is why it’s more important than ever to have independent media like The Gateway Pundit. After all, it’s not just about protecting conservatives. It’s also about protecting the country. Remember, truth is not subjective. Facts do not care about your feelings. And just because something is repeated on mainstream media does not make it true. The Gateway Pundit was the first to report about Hunter Biden’s laptop in October of 2020. As a result, Gateway Pundit reporters and editors were banned by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. During the 2020 election, Gateway Pundit and its readers were targeted by Big Tech. Because of the censorship, news about the laptop did not make it to the public until after the election. Gateway Pundit and its authors have been smeared and labeled as a propaganda outlet. But the truth prevailed and everyone now knows that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real. Thanks to conservative media, the American public found out about it — the mainstream media buried it. Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed the Biden family’s corruption. The family was compromised by the communist Chinese and investigation into Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine led to the impeachment of President Trump in 2019. But The Gateway Pundit was not censored for reporting about the laptop because it was false. Gateway Pundit was censored because it was true. Google and the rest of the oligarchy are afraid of the truth because the truth exposes their lies. Google’s blacklisting of The Gateway Pundit is just one of many examples of how tech giants are censoring conservative voices. In recent months, Google has also censored  Breitbart News, The Federalist, and The Blaze. After the January 6 Capitol riot, Google Search results began showing less content from conservative media outlets. According to a study by the Media Research Center, Breitbart News, The Daily Wire, and The Epoch Times saw their traffic from Google Search decline by 50% or more in the weeks following the riot. Google justified its censorship by claiming that it was “protecting its users from harmful content.” But there is nothing harmful about the content that Google is censoring. In fact, much of it is simply news and commentary that does not meet Google’s standards of “objectivity.” Google’s censorship is a threat to our democracy. In a free and open society, people should be able to access a wide range of viewpoints, even those that they disagree with. But Google is using its monopoly power to silence conservative voices and promote its own left-wing agenda. Google’s censorship is also a threat to free speech. The First Amendment protects our right to express ourselves freely, even if our speech is unpopular or offensive. But Google is using its platform to suppress speech that it does not like. This is a dangerous precedent that could lead to further restrictions on free speech in the future. We must not allow Google and other tech giants to control what we can and cannot read. We must fight for our right to access conservative media and other viewpoints that are not represented in mainstream media. If we give up on free speech, we give up on democracy itself. Now is the time to stand up against Google’s censorship. Public outcry is the only way to stop them. Please share this article on social media and write to Google to demand that it stop censoring conservative voices. .

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